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Abaana Uganda


Welcome to Abaana Ministries Uganda Limited (AMUL)! Here in Uganda, we are very grateful to all the sponsors and donors who play such a vital role in our work of reaching out to vulnerable children and communities. Abaana Ministries Uganda is a registered non–profit organisation that plays a role alongside the government and other development agencies in addressing poverty–related issues, primarily through promoting access to education and supporting street–connected children. Abaana (meaning ‘children’ in Luganda) emphasises faith–based, holistic care for each child within the context of the child’s family and community. Abaana Uganda’s head office is in Kito, Wakiso District, with projects in eight districts, and partners with many other agencies and government offices in its interventions.


Legal Information


· Abaana Ministries is a registered NGO – FORR79492485NB


· Permit number (issued 13th March 2024, valid for five years) – FORP74092485NB


· Company limited by guarantee number 98523

Latest news Jul 2024

Choir 3

The Choir 3 children who were on tour came safely home and have resettled back into life in Uganda after their adventures in the UK and Ireland. Over 550 new sponsors signed up to support children’s education in Uganda, for which we thank God. As the 20 children join the 40 others who travelled previously in school, we hope for the best in their ongoing education journey.





Ballyclare Team

We were delighted to host a team from Ballyclare Presbyterian church for two weeks in Uganda. They did many different things at Ayila School in Northern Uganda, including mural painting, games and songs with children, teaching training, and helping to build a latrine. They also carried out street outreach activities and visited the New Life Homes. We are grateful for their time, donations, and love!





Sponsorship changes lives: Ephrance

Abaaa supports over 1,700 children by paying school fees, buying scholastics and providing some uniform items. These children mainly come from one of the 17 supported Primary Schools that Abaana has built, though some come under Abaana’s care through other means.




Ephrance started being a sponsored child at age six while still in nursery. She initially went to a Fields of Life school, being a partner with whom Abaana closely works and under whose registration Abaana originally operated before becoming an NGO. After primary seven, during a structural change within Fields of Life, she moved under the full sponsorship of Abaana and joined senior 1 in an Abaana partner school. She was a little apprehensive at first, as her primary schooling had been smooth and easy. However, she soon settled into Abaana’s sponsorship system as she joined a partner Secondary school, and she got 21 aggregates in her S4, which was an excellent first grade. With no hesitation, she continued for A’levels doing Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. Hard work pays; she got 14 points in UACE and enrolled at Gulu College of Health Science. She has just completed her clinical medicine diploma and is so thankful. “I am so grateful for Abaana’s support. This has changed not only my life but also my family because I am hoping to support my siblings when I secure a job.” She is so happy and thankful to God for making all this happen, and she is so passionate about volunteering in Abaana, even if it is just one day as a way to give back for all they have done in her life. We wish Ephrance a bright future as she enters the employment field.





Summary of projects / locations of work

Abaana Uganda currently runs the following projects:

New Life Homes – New Life Homes is a licenced temporary children’s home in Uganda where street–connected children can receive Christian care and counsel, as well as have their physical needs, such as food and clothing, met. Boys are reconciled to their families as soon as possible, and the ultimate aim is that each boy would have a safe and healthy long–term home situation. Each boy that is registered receives ongoing sponsorship support in their Primary, Secondary and tertiary education.

Street Reach

Sponsorship – Abaana provides sponsorship to over 1,900 children from pre–primary to tertiary level who would otherwise be unable to attend or complete school. Fees are provided, as well as the provision of basics such as uniforms and scholastic materials. Special projects such as the distribution of sanitary pads and Christian teaching, including access to a Scripture Union/Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) camp, are part of interventions so that each sponsored child is helped holistically. Abaana staff regularly visit the schools to ensure that the children are getting relevant support and help with special needs, such as medical cases, where possible.


Education and School Support – In addition to sponsorship, Abaana has built 17 primary schools in various districts – Busia, Amuru, Mayuge, Mukono, Kampala, Kayunga, Ngora, and Pallisa. Abaana supports education in low–income communities primarily by building classrooms and other buildings so that the infrastructure is in place for each school to effectively provide education in the community. Abaana also builds capacity in the schools to improve standards by training school leadership, providing resources such as textbooks and monitoring the school in various areas.


Teams – Abaana Uganda provides opportunities for people to come on short–term teams to Uganda to engage in activities related to Abaana’s work with vulnerable children. Please refer to the main Abaana UK website pages if you are based outside of Uganda and interested in joining the work on such a team – you are most welcome.


Partnerships – Abaana also works with other organisations in a variety of ways, mainly through street children outreach activities and also being a conduit for support for other projects. Through this, Abaana supports many more vulnerable children who are part of other agencies and is always interested in establishing new partnerships with like–minded organisations to share resources and network more effectively. Abaana is a member of CRANE (Children at Risk Action Network) and the national NGO forum, as well as registered with each district in which it operates.



Street reach

Choir – Abaana has sent three children’s choirs to UK and Ireland, in 2017, 2019 and 2024. The 4–month tours showcase the work Abaana does in low–income communities and give an opportunity for current and potential sponsors to connect with Uganda through song, dance and testimony. Over 1,500 new sponsors have signed up to support children’s education because of these choir tours.




Abaana Ministries Uganda has a guesthouse used primarily by visiting teams and volunteers but is open for anyone who would like a quiet, homely, peaceful place to stay with delicious continental and local dishes. We particularly welcome other organisations or companies who would like to run conferences or workshops in a serene environment, with a meeting room, sheltered veranda, and a large garden available for various group activities. Please contact us at guesthouse@abaana.org.ug or 0773–748819 for more information.



Our Physical Address – Abaana Ministries Uganda is based in Kito village, Kira Town Council. From Kira town council, take the tarmac road at Kira Primary School and continue for around 1.5 kilometres. At the first (small) crossroads, at a large signpost for Abaana Guesthouse and Office, take a right (the road is called Kagimu Close). Take the next right, and the Abaana office gate is straight ahead. You can also look for ‘Abaana Guesthouse’ on Googlemaps.

Phone and email contacts

Landline: 0393–266076

Whatsapp/phone (also mobile money): 0773 748038

Email: admin@abaana.org.ug or office@abaana.org.ug


To give to Abaana

Abaana relies on donations to serve vulnerable children in Uganda. Should you be interested in supporting our work, please get in touch with us for banking or mobile money details for monetary assistance or email us at the contacts above for any donations in kind. Thank you. 

List of Directors

Abaana Ministries Uganda has seven company members/directors: Mr Julius Ananura (Chairperson); Mr Scott Baxter (the Abaana founder); Mrs Bibian Muganguzi (Secretary); Mr Ambrose Hans Ahanga; Mr John Nsamba; Mr Wilberforce Ssempijja, Mr Ivan Jonah Muwaya. The Directors provide direction, accountability and oversight of the operations of Abaana Ministries Uganda.


Disclaimer related to Abaana Ministries’ sponsorship scheme

Abaana Ministries Limited is a registered company limited by guarantee and NGO in Uganda. Our mission is to work with communities to address the holistic needs of vulnerable children, particularly in education. It has come to our notice that some individuals are claiming that sponsorship is available for people who pay money to a certain mobile money number. This is categorically untrue. Abaana’s sponsorship scheme is attached to identified primary schools with which Abaana partners and there is a system of identifying needy children within those communities. Moreover, NO MONEY is required in this process. Abaana Ministries will never ask people to pay money to secure sponsorship and anyone involved in this act is acting fraudulently and completely outside of Abaana Ministries’ authority. Anyone who pays money to access a service offered from Abaana Ministries does so entirely at their own risk.