Thank you for all your support to date. We have raised over £21,000 beating our initial target of £20,000.
To date we have provided over 20,000 meals, but there are still so many more people to reach.
There are currently 83 COVID–19 Positive Tests in Uganda so far (01/05). Whilst this is a relatively small number compared to the U.K and even some other nearby African countries, the large effort to keep the virus out of the country through the lockdown has resulted in an immediate issue of families not having access to food. Most homes in Uganda don’t have cupboards, never mind them being able to stock up. So when you aren’t able to work, you aren’t able to buy food. Hunger has become a major issue.
Abaana has been working with permissions from the RDC with the school communities, and with KCCA to support over 200 children rescued from the streets. Your support has enabled us to give these children a place to sleep and food to eat in these worrying times.
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) estimates that some 20 million people currently do not have secure provisions of food across nine countries, including Uganda. They believe there is a risk of that number doubling!
Abaana have been working closely with the government and are seeing first hand the effects of this. We are moving quickly to distribute as many meals to our beneficiaries as we are able.
We have distributed 20,000 meals so far but the need is great. Could you help? £50
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Miracle Food
Esther, aged 9, lives with her old grandparents and her family were already very poor. They now have no income and this is what she said on receiving Abaana’s support:
“I am very happy receiving this food and soap, For the food…. we are going to start cooking right now, we will not wait. I am so happy, thank you Abaana and thank you every person that has given to me and my family”. The Grandfather was exceedingly happy at what he referred to as ‘Miracle food’ and carried the food on his bicycle fully energised to feed his family once more.

“I can’t imagine someone has been thinking of me”
Harriet is 11 years old. Life has been very hard for her family. They grow small amounts of green beans at home but haven’t been able to buy food to accompany the beans. Before Abaana stepped in to help, they often only had a cup of tea for dinner.
“Every day that passes by, things become harder. My parents earn a living by working in people’s gardens but that is no longer possible, people don’t have money to pay, every person is locked in their homes and they don’t want any person to come to their home. I am very happy about the food and soap I have received today. I can’t imagine someone has been thinking of me and my family.”

We are so thankful for your support. Our aim going forward is to feed as many families as we possibly can get to at this time. We are also continuing to support the 200 children that have been rescued from the streets of Kampala.
We ask and pray that you would give generously. Would you also consider sharing this cause with people you know.
Together we can save lives!
Scott Baxter
Abaana CEO
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