Uganda is experiencing a very aggressive second wave of Covid–19 infections. Public and private hospitals are under immense pressure and many of the cases being admitted are young people. There are only 218 intensive care units for the whole country of 47 million people.
The country has entered another strict lockdown. This includes the closure of primary, secondary and tertiary education for a 6–week period, from 18th June, 2021.
The current situation will impact particularly on those who live on a hand to mouth basis.

Abaana is supporting some the most vulnerable children and families in the community. We are looking to raise at least £10,000 to help those most in need through the following channels.
1. Families at risk – food shortages
It is a hugely difficult time economically as many people live hand to mouth and do not have formal employment. We are reaching out to our beneficiary communities to see how we can help people who are going through a very difficult time.
£50 could buy an emergency COVID package for a family that is struggling. This would cover some of the basic necessities for around a month.
This package could include some basic food essentials plus items such as soap.
Beneficiaries of this support are the families of the New Life Choir and New Life Homes children and communities around our schools.
2. Care for children living on the streets
With the dramatic change around the city, children are afraid and looking for safety. We are continuing to work with Kampala Capital City Authority and local partners to care for children living on the streets though providing food and hand washing facilities.
At least 160 children who had been living on the streets of Kampala are being temporary housed at Nakivubo Blue Primary School. Abaana is providing food, soap and hand washing facilities.
However, there has never been a better time to permanently rescue some of these children. This can happen in two ways:
1. By bringing children into the New Life Homes
2. By locating relatives to whom the children can safely return
If we have enough funds and sponsorship, we may be able to resettle some of the most vulnerable street children.
3. Promoting Good Hygiene and supporting community health centres
Through all our work we reinforce the importance of hygiene and sanitation, supporting local communities to promote best practice guidelines and practical advice around COVID–19.
Where possible, Abaana supports local Community Health Centres to provide hygiene supplies as necessary.
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