Helping to make a difference, even when you’re gone…
Legacies are special gifts from one generation to another. By remembering Abaana’s work in your Will, you are providing people who really need your support with hope for their future.
Only 1 in 3 people in the UK make a will. This means that loved ones are often left with difficult decisions to make at an emotional time. If you die without making a Will, this could result in your estate not going where you would have wished. For instance your husband, wife or partner may not automatically receive all of your estate. Making a Will and keeping it up to date is very important – it puts you in control.
Often people are comforted by the fact that they are helping to give children in Africa the chance to live a long and healthy life.
What about Inheritance Tax
The money and assets left in your estate may be subject to Inheritance Tax. It may be of advantage to divide your estate so that your family and friends are left gifts below the tax threshold and so do not have to pay for Inheritance Tax. The remainder can then be shared between as many charities as you choose, since charities are exempt from paying this tax.
How will Abaana use my legacy gift?
Your legacy to Abaana is a gift to help poor people change their lives for the better. By browsing our website and recent newsletters, you can see the various projects and areas that we work in across East Africa. You may choose to specify in your will which area that you would like your legacy to go towards. However, please consider that it may be many years before we receive your gift and the project you requested may be completed and no longer need funding.
We would therefore suggest you choose broad areas e.g. water pumps, schools, street kids; rather than naming a specific school, or region. A general donation will be put towards the neediest project that we are working on when the donation comes through.
Leaving a Legacy Gift
If you would like to let us know that you have included us in your Will, the information will always be treated in complete confidence. Abaana would advise anyone making or updating a Will to get in touch with a practising solicitor to help you do this.
If you would like to leave a legacy to Abaana, please let your solicitor know our registered charity number and registered address as shown:
Abaana, 78 High Street, Bangor, Co Down, Northern Ireland BT20 5AZ
Registered charity number: NIC102174
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